Posts tagged ‘Bible’


Christians Out: Sins IN

by James Jett
Stained glass at St John the Baptist's Anglica...

Image via Wikipedia


Convinced that a large segment of the population want us to violate every sin listed in the bible. Engage in sex in the street like dogs, Invade churches and make demand when the church publish it stand against sins. Some are planning violence if intimidation fails. Their goal is to get (Christian, not religion) out of the United States, for ever. I have monitored the last forty years and noticed that the incidents are increasing.

An example, in a businessmen club, we meet at noon every Thursday. If you arrive late from the office due to traffic and get to the meeting, on time, but last. The President will greet you by name and ask you to bless the food. About thirty years ago, I walked in the door and asked to bless the food. At the end of the blessing, I said “in Jesus name”. Yes, I was aware that others blessed the food by starting with “Lord bless this food “——and not, “in Jesus name”, at the end, no problem.

After the meeting I walked out the room and a lawyer was waiting, (also a member) and he said, as I looked at him looking at me, “I want to ask you a question” I said “yes” and he said “why do you always say JESUS when you bless the food, it is insulting to me. I looked at him and asked, “do you believe in God? He answer”yes” or maybe he said “of course” I said “you serve your God the way that please you, and I will serve my God to please Him.”This is not unusual behavior: Christians can not pray in public even if they are in the park assembly for fellowship. Some people question your right to wear a Cross on your Lapel. And it is very easy to find your self in a group and be asked to leave if you quote the Bible or said Lord or Jesus.

Is this the beginning of prosecution? Ask your Church Leaders or read the Bible to get the answer you are please with. For me, the answer is yes, and it will grow increasingly until we take action to stop it. How can we stop it? With the power we process as Christians, the power of pray, the power to assembly with contact via the internet, With the power of money, “the total income of American church-goers is $5.2 trillion” (That’s more than five thousand billion dollars) “it would take just a little over 1 percent of the income of American Christians to lift the poorest one billion people in the world out of extreme poverty”. (I Google it)

In meeting, some say Christians are too meek to take action, maybe true, but let me tell you what I believe. Meekness is power under control: Jesus Christ was Meek, yet he control the sea, sickness everything. Other say we (Christians) are afraid: fear is a safety factor a gift from God to men, that often time is his reason for being alive. But fear should be controlled. God did not give me a spirit of fear!







My Comments on Christians, Behaviors

by James Jett

You are a nice person, in fact, a kind person: because you thanked me for my thoughts. Personally, I crave kindness, and when I receive it I applaud it.

I would never tell you to do any thing, suddenly not attempt to influence your thoughts and believe. My intentions were to respond to your opened-post, not to disagree or agree with you.

You say it is convenient for me to believe in God. It is not convenient for me to disagree with you, but I must, because it is not true. I believe in God because I control my will, and I will to believe in the God that made everything I can see, feel, hear, taste or smell, and the things that are not visible or audible to me. I choose to believe, no one on earth or in the earth can make me believe. My belief, is my-own-freewill!

Your reply to my comment, seem to assume that I was talking to you, yes that is true, but only to the extent that you are apart of the human race. Verily, I was talking to the hold world. I was answering the sign at the top of your post that said “THERE’S PROBABLY NO GOD. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life” because, since you were on the Internet, I could talk to all mankind and it would be there for all to read as long as they have access to the Internet. An opportunity to comment, I just could not pass up. Why did I feel the urge, the need or compelled to respond? Because you did not ask me, you posted it on your blog, I read it and my thoughts came to me, here you can tell the world that you are a Christian and everybody that know me know that I am a Christian and will be till the end of time. Firing squads, Hangman-noose or angry mob surrounding the house could not make me a denier, by saying that I am not a Christian. No one is required to read your blog. All including me click on it with their own freewill. It’s your blog, you published the content you wished to publish, anyone disagreeing could so state, anyone agreeing could make that known also.

I was responding to your post, not you, just your post it was an opportunity to exercise an equal right to comment on something I disagreed with, not a person or thing, but a statement and I believe that the statement was untrue. Totally aware that just because I deemed the statement  untrue doe not prove it is, in fact, untrue. The urge to respond was the word PROBABLY, a red flag of doubt to me and an open invitation to put in my two-cent worth. Under normal daily encounters I do not tell a person or people in my presence that I am a Christian unless they ask me. People should know I am a Christian by being in my presence for a short time. Because I should model my life as a Christian by the way, I act in the presence of other human beings. My core values should tell others that I am a Christian. Let me be clear and careful here, and emphasize that I am not talking about a type of church nor a denomination, I am talking about my beliefs and behavior as a human being. Thoughts and actions that I control all day, every day, ok (all almost every day). Actions that I control, how I talk about the facts recorded in the Bible with Baby Christians, meaning people on the milk of the Word, not the meat of the word. Baby Christians are best, in a setting where they can learn when discussing the Holy Bible, not in a debate with an unbeliever. For instance, I don’t support many things that the churches are adopting, these days, because I feel the church is slowly drifting away from what the Bible tells Christians to do and how we should treat each other. The best example, we should love one-another. Do this first and the rest will be easy. The Pastor at a church in Alabama said “the church is a Haven for sinners, not a hotel for the saved” Today, in some Churches sinners are not welcome. Those who disagree should read your Bible, if you fail to see it in the Bible, leave me a comment and I will give you the locations where you can find the same meaning. Better yet, ask your Bible teacher or your Pastor.

God IS Love